University Outreach and Engagement

The Office of University Outreach and Engagement supports faculty, staff, students, and administrators to conduct engaged scholarship in partnership with communities. UOE does this through professional development to further mutually beneficial, reciprocal, and transformative university-community collaborations, helping faculty create community-engaged learning experiences for students, and facilitating networks of partnerships. To further access to MSU, UOE offers sites for the public to find pre-college programs and arts and science venues, coordinates the MSU Science Festival, and shares engagement activity happening across the university. UOE units conduct programming for youth college access and for gifted and talented youth, Latinx and Indigenous communities, and for economic and community development. By enhancing the ability of faculty, staff, and students to work respectfully with communities of all kinds, UOE helps MSU fulfill its land-grant mission.

About UOE


Photo of Kwesi Brookins

Kwesi Brookins
Vice Provost for University Outreach and Engagement