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Academic and Administrative Units

The collective and collaborative work of the college deans, vice provosts, and academic and administrative units that report to the provost thoughtfully coordinates in support of their shared commitment to academic excellence and student success. The leaders in these three areas report to the provost and collectively support the academic mission of the university.

View the image version of the organizational chart, updated March 11, 2025. View the accessible Word version, updated March 11, 2025.

The following deans report to the provost. They provide academic and scholarly leadership for their colleges’ teaching, research and outreach missions; are responsible for the budget and administrative functions of their colleges; and work to align with and advance university-level priorities at the college level.

Vice provosts and their offices provide programming, services, and business functions to support student success and academic excellence, foster faculty development, and maintain a broad range of business functions across the academic enterprise of the university.

In addition to the work of the college deans and vice provosts, a number of academic support units provide critical services and programming that enable the university’s academic mission. Leaders of these units report to the provost and support student success, academic excellence, and faculty and academic staff development and wellbeing.