Undergraduate Education

The Office of Undergraduate Education works to ensure that all MSU students receive the support needed to learn, persist, and graduate in a timely fashion; that equity, inclusion, diversity, and global competency are integrated into all aspects of the undergraduate program; and that all students develop as life-long learners with the capacity to effect positive change in the world.

Through our Undergraduate Learning Goals we are committed to assisting students in developing the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that will be valuable in any field, in any environment, at any time. As part of our commitment to enhancing the undergraduate experience and accomplishing the undergraduate learning goals and outcomes, Undergrad Ed helps support or facilitate the work of several key programs. These programs include undergraduate orientation programs; first-year seminars, both abroad and domestically; opportunities to conduct innovative research as an undergraduate; living-learning environments linked to your interests; Neighborhoods and associated Engagement Centers that house services in support of academic success, including no preference academic advising, tutoring, intercultural engagement and diversity programming, health services, fitness classes, career services and residential programming; and opportunities to realize entrepreneurial ideas.

We take a student-centric, systemic, and holistic view of the MSU student experience to continually improve our undergraduate programs, and a proactive approach to student advising and support to enable all students to succeed. The office is focused on closing the opportunity gaps between first-generation, low socioeconomic status, and underrepresented student groups and students from more privileged backgrounds.

About Undergrad Ed


Mark Largent
Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education