The Distinguished Academic Staff Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of those professionals who serve the University in advising, curriculum development, outreach, extension, research, and teaching.
- Rebecca Finneran - MSU Extension: Agriculture and Agribusiness Institute
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Lauren Gaines McKenzie - Communication Arts & Science: Dean's Office
- Jennifer New - Communication Arts & Sciences: Academic and Student Affairs
- Jody Schulz - MSU Extension: Children & Youth Institute
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Madeleine Lenski - Human Medicine: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Stanley Moore - MSU Extension: Agriculture & Agribusiness Institute
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Daniel O'Keefe - MSU Extension: Michigan Sea Grant
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Cheryl Williams-Hecksel - Social Science: Social Work
- Diane Doberneck - University Outreach and Engagement
- James Lucas - Undergraduate Education
- Steven Pierce - Research and Innovation: Center for Statistical Training and Consulting
- Brandon Schroeder - MSU Extension: Michigan Sea Grant
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Karen Kangas-Preston - Arts & Letters: Theatre
- Jo Latimore - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Fisheries & Wildlife
- Kendra Moyses - MSU Extension: Children and Youth Institute
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Mary Wilson - MSU Extension: Agriculture and Agribusiness
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Jeffrey Judge - James Madison College
- Philip Schwallier - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agriculture and Agribusiness, MSU Extension
- George Silva - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agriculture and Agribusiness, MSU Extension
- Lois Wolfson - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Fisheries & Wildlife; Institute of Water Research
- Jordan Burroughs - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Fisheries & Wildlife, MSU Extension
- Ann Hoffman - Communication Arts & Sciences: Undergradute Education
- Terry McLean - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Greening Michigan, MSU Extension
- Kaillathe Padmanabhan - Natural Science: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Phillip T. Durst - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agriculture and Agribusiness, MSU Extension
- Terry L. Gibb - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Greening Michigan, MSU Extension
- Marolee Neuberger - Human Medicine: Family Medicine
- Kurt H. Schindler - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Greening Michigan, MSU Extension
- Lisa A. Bottomley - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Children and Youth Institute MSU Extension
- Lucy A. Maillette - Broad: Business Dean's Office
- Steven Poulios - Natural Science: Chemistry
- Pavel Sikorskii - Natural Science: Mathematics
- Richard J. Hensh - Natural Science: Mathematics
- Jill L. O'Donnell - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agriculture and Agribusiness, MSU Extension
- Gary L. Parsons - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Entomology
- Dean R. Solomon - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Extension Greening Michigan, MSU Extension
- L. Charles Bokemeier - Broad: Business Accounting and Information Systems
- Debra A. Dotterer - Natural Science: Dean's Office
- Jane M. Herbert - Agriculture and Natural Resources: MSUE Greening Michigan Institute, MSU Extension
- Arlene E. Sierra - Osteopathic: Medicine Radiology, Human Medicine
- Roger A. Betz - MSU Extension: Agriculture and Agribusiness
- John A. Courtney - Natural Science: Mathematics
- Hanni Nichols - Lyman Briggs
- Lela Vandenberg - MSU Extension: Administration
- Thomas A. Dudek - MSU Extension Extension: Agriculture and Agribusiness
- Rex L. LaMore - Outreach and Engagement: Outreach and Engagement Partnerships
- Michael J. Rich - Engineering: Composite Materials and Structures Center
- Stephen R. Stewart - MSU Extension: Extension Greening Michigan; Fisheries and Wildlife CES
- Cynthia B. Mark - MSU Extension: Children, Youth, Families and Communities
- Howard L. Russell - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Plant Pathology; Institute of Agricultural Technology; Entomology, MSU Extension
- Michael Score - MSU Extension: Southeast Region
- Larry T. Zink - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, MSU Extension
- David L. Epstein - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Entomology
- Craig J. Gunn - Engineering: Mechanical Engineering
- Joy Neumann Landis - Agriculture and Natural Resources: Entomology
- Lynne A. Zelenski - Broad Business: Accounting and Information Systems
- Merle Heidemann - Natural Science: Science and Mathematics Education
- David P. Lusch - Social Science: Geography
- Valerie K. Nilson - Academic Student Services and Multicultural Issues: Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities
- Steven S. Poindexter - MSU Extension Extension: Southeast Region, Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station
- Julie A. Chapin - MSU Extension: 4H Youth Development
- Lynn Forsblom - Social Science: Dean's Office
- Timothy J. Hinds - Engineering: Mechanical Engineering
- Sharon Anderson Schwille - Education: Teacher Education
- Lori Faulkner - Communication Arts and Sciences: Human Environment and Design
- Cynthia Sarver - Engineering: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
- Kathryn Severin - Natural Science: Chemistry
- Gertrude Sykes - Education: Teacher Education
- Daniel G. Lee - Engineering: Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Dale R. Mutch - MSU Extension: Southwest Region
- Anne Schneller - Education: Dean's Office
- Eileen M. Wilson - Business: Dean's Office
- Leslie L. Leone - Engineering: Dean's Office
- Elizabeth C. Moore - MSU Extension: Director's Office
- Cheryl M. Pell - Communication Arts and Sciences: Journalism
- Natalie Bement Rector - MSU Extension: Southwest Region
- Larry A. Hembroff - Social Science: Public Policy and Research
- Paul Hunter - Natural Science: Chemistry
- Patricia Lowrie - Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs: Women's Resource Center
- Veterinary Medicine
- Susan B. Smalley - MSU Extension: Director's Office
- Charles Pistis - MSU Extension: West Central Region
- Marilyn Rudzinski - MSU Extension: Southeast Region
- Benjamin Bartlett - MSU Extension: Upper Peninsula Region
- Karen Busch - Osteopathic Medicine: Dean's Office
- Florence Harris - Assistant Provost for Academic Student Services and Multicultural Issues Supportive Services
- Ronald Kinnunen - MSU Extension: UP Region/Sea Grant Extension District
- Thomas V. Atkinson - Natural Science: Chemistry
- Margaret A. Bethel - MSU Extension: West Central Region
- Joseph M. Cousins - International Studies and Programs: International Students and Scholars
- James P. LeCureux - MSU Extension: East Central Region
- Stella Cash - Human Ecology: Food Science and Human Nutrition
- Madeline Dodson - Human Medicine Obstetrics: Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
- Elizabeth Phillips - Natural Science: Mathematics
- Gary Reid - Communication Arts: Telecommunication