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Academic Strategic Planning: Implementation Kick-off Meeting Follow-up Information

March 30, 2023 

Dear Colleagues,  

Thank you for engaging in the Provost Office Academic Strategic Planning process and congratulations again on advancing to the synergistic phase. The work that your group is doing is critical to reaching the Staff & Faculty Success goals in the MSU 2030 Strategic Plan.  

Our time together on March 13, 2023, included rich conversations to advocate for the entire campus to move in one direction around strategic initiatives. During the session, it was evident that synergies exist amongst the advancing proposals and some Provost Office initiatives. Refining of ideas requires synthesis of these efforts in order for the Provost Office to leverage all initiatives and resources to reach the MSU 2030 Strategic Plan goals for Staff & Faculty Success. To accomplish this, please review the next steps below.  

Next steps: 

  • The Academic Strategic Planning Team has created an outline (attached) with suggested word limits for the refined proposal submission. This proposal will be reviewed by the Strategic Planning Executive Sponsors. 
  • Refined proposals will be accepted on a rolling submission cycle.  
  • There will be no deadline for submissions. 

Reminder, this is not a competition. However, this process creates the opportunity for leaders of units and proposals to leverage every asset on our campus to create sustainable implementation plans.  

Additional resources as we begin to think about next steps: 

If you have any questions, please reach out to


Dave Weatherspoon, Ph.D.
Associate Provost of Enrollment and Academic Strategic Planning
Professor of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics