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Glossary of Terms

Throughout our implementation process, we will be using specific terms to help communicate progress. Here are definitions for the words you’ll be hearing regularly throughout our journey together.

When we say the following words, we are referring to:

Interest areas are defined ideas that have been submitted and approved by our advisory committees to explore further. Interest areas align with the six core themes from the university strategic plan and are university wide, high impact, and foundational. They may be new, bold opportunities or revamps of an existing project/process. Interest areas should be inclusive in the sense that at least three or more units, colleges, or departments are involved with the development of that idea.

The Idea Submission Form asks for ideas that align with the six core themes, the overall university strategic plan objectives, and other grassroot ideas. We are asking for ideas to add to our current list of interest areas, that are high-impact, foundational, in pursuit of bold, new opportunities, or are a revamp of an existing project or process. We are also interested in inclusive ideas that involve multiple units, colleges, or departments. Some ideas will be new, while others will be under development. All ideas are welcome, as we wish to pair likeminded colleagues together for broader impact. Individuals can respond on their own behalf or on behalf of a group that shares an idea. 

Based on interest areas, working groups will develop proposals to “pitch” their idea to the Office of the Provost to consider implementing. Each interest area that is defined will result in the development of a proposal. By the end of the spring semester, proposals will be reviewed according to the mandatory framework by the Office of the Provost’s proposal submission committee. The Provost will take into consideration each proposal, along with the committee's recommendation. From here, final decisions will be made regarding which proposals will be considered for Phase Three. Proposals will be due April 4, 2022. 

This committee will review all proposals submitted according to the mandatory framework. The Provost will take into consideration each proposal, along with the committee's recommendation. From here, final decisions will be made regarding which proposals will be considered for Phase Three.

We will ask all working groups to follow the mandatory framework, Framework for Thematic Three-Page Proposal Pitches.

When we talk about the Office of the Provost and academic units, we are referring to all units and departments within the Provost Office umbrella. This includes all faculty, academic staff and support staff within those units and departments.

Summits are larger, virtual gatherings the strategic planning team hosts to keep those who are interested within the Office of the Provost updated on strategic plan implementation efforts.