Interest Areas
In fall 2021, we focused on Phase One of our roadmap. We conducted a summit with deans and another with assistant and associate provosts and assistant and associate deans. We also finished an environmental and landscape analysis. Subcommittees of the Academic Strategic Plan Implementation Team synthesized patterns from both summits into Interest Areas that align with the six core themes from the University’s Strategic Plan. Interest Areas were our first step in getting specific about the actions and initiatives we will take to implement the strategic plan.
We had a very successful Idea Summit in February 2022. During our time together, those in attendance prioritized the ideas and interest areas submitted to our Idea Submission Survey by narrowing down, or combining, similar ideas (what you see below). Commitments were made among working groups to transition these prioritized ideas into formal proposals (using the mandatory framework) to be submitted to the Office of the Provost by April 4.
Only the ideas that were selected by the working groups to move toward a proposal are listed here. If you made plans to meet with a working group outside of our Idea Summit to finish our Activity Two document due to time constraints, please let us know. If you were unable to attend our Idea Summit, and would still like to submit an interest area that will be submitted as a formal proposal, please email and we will add your information to what we have below as well.