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In Case You Missed it - Virtual Proposal Summit

April 28, 2022

Dear Provost Office Community, 

The virtual Proposal Summit hosted April 14, 2022 for academic strategic planning implementation was a great success. This process has not been business as usual. This has been a bottom-up, of-the-people process, with local leaders and experts in their areas generating ideas to best move us forward. This is a very exciting time as we have come together like never before.  

Event Overviews: 
At our virtual idea summit, we had 430 individuals register, 300 attended our webinar, and we had 230 participate in our working group activity. From those ideas, a total of 55 proposals were submitted. 

At our virtual virtual proposal summit, we had more than 600 individuals register, and more than 350 unique viewers watch our proposal presentations. 

Next Steps: 
Our proposal review committee will judiciously work to review the submitted proposals and provide recommendations to the Provost on which ones should be considered for implementation for this cycle by mid-May. Proposals not selected for implementation this year should be resubmitted next cycle, if those submitting the proposal wish to do so. It is our aim to extend a call for proposals in a routine fashion, moving forward, to perpetually renew and refresh both planning and actions. This will remain a unique and open process.  

It is also important to note that all proposals submitted will be shared with the other executive sponsors of the university strategic plan for their awareness and consideration. 

Thank You: 
We are impressed, encouraged, and inspired by all of the work that has been done to get us to this amazing point. The democratic and broadly inclusive way in which we are approaching the academic strategic planning implementation process has indeed proven to be a success because of you. From where we started a year ago, to where we are today, the collaboration, participation, and willingness to try something new has been critical. 

We are very grateful for your sustained attention to advance this historic effort here at MSU. 

Dave Weatherspoon 
Ashley Braman  
Emilios Xavier Esposito 
Brendan Guenther 
Kelly Mazurkiewicz